Thursday, May 31, 2012

Getting Clean

Today, May 31st 2012, I've finally made the decision to stop abusing opiates. They've been a major problem for me and basically addiction in any form impedes on my "true will" as a human being. From this day on, if I *do* take my opioid medication, it will be taken as prescribed, no more than that. Possibly less. I'm starting a tapering process to get myself off of Suboxone completely. Hope all goes well. I feel I've finally hit "rock bottom". Which can be a great thing in the right context, when it doesn't involve going to jail or cracking up your car.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Qabalistic Difference Between The Magician And The Mystic

Hello! Long time since I've made any sort of post. I'd like to review just what the title of this post is. Such differences between the mystic and the magician, as it were. Qabalah, or Kabbalah is traditionally a Jewish branch of mysticism. A big part of it is The Tree of Life (from Adam and Eve's story in the Bible) represented with ten sephiroth (the circles). Let us review all then of them.

As you can see we have the Kingdom, Malkuth, which is where we humans and animals reside. Then we have Foundation, Reverberation, Eternity, Beauty, Judgement, Mercy, Understanding, Wisdom, and Kether, The Crown (the abode of God himself). The sephiroth which make up the left-hand side are called the "Pillar of Severity" and the right hand pillar is called the "Pillar of Mercy".

The basic difference is that the magician seeks to pass through each one of the sephiroth on his spiritual journey. It is a less direct route to the abode of God, the crown. Known as the path of the flaming sword.

The mystic on the other hand, follows the path of the arrow.

He or she moves from Kingdom, to Foundation, through Beauty, and ultimately to the crown Kether. Buddhists would be more apt to follow the path of the arrow than the flaming sword. I myself am a Thelemic magician and have chosen to follow the less direct path of the flaming sword.

Hope this is helpful and informative.

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
Love is the law.
Love under will.

God bless.